How to Get a SEMAN

Banks will be reluctant to fund the purchase of SEMAN because of the difficulty of repossession in case of default. Funding should not come from the government because of the red tape and political difficulties involved. The rich can fund their own SEMAN purchase, but there is no one to fund SEMAN purchase for the poor and unemployed. SEMAN funding for the poor and unemployed has to come from Aquater2050 LLC because they will have the SEMAN and tracking capability necessary to accomplish defaulting SEMAN owner location and repossession. The only question is how can Aquater2050 find the money.

The answer to this question came from the history of the Mormon pioneers as the settled the great basin in western US. and it is called the perpetual immigration fund. With this concept, a large fund is gathered to purchase SEMAN, and the new SEMAN owners make monthly payments back into this fund to provide for a new round of SEMAN purchases. An extra payment is also made to allow for insurance to cover accidental SEMAN loss. The original money in the fund is provided over time by the income from this site. The interest from this fund is used to cover Aquater2050 operation costs. This fund is building even now by saving a portion of the money you used to enter this site. This fund will not be released for purchase of applicant’s SEMAN until: 1) The prototype testing program is complete, 2) The fund has enough money for two SEMAN, and 3) The applicant has completed a training program.

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